Scooterworks USA, LLC
Have a bike that needs some loving? This kit is for those of you looking to clean up your ride for that Best Vespa appearance. The kit includes the main visible rubber pieces and a few that like to wear out. Due to the different sizes of floor rail rubber, it was not included and must be ordered separately.
1 - 93100 Pad, Brake Pedal - Black
1 - 57321 Brake Bellows
1 - 24041 Cowl Peg Buffer
1 - 110586 Plug, Flywheel - 70's
1 - 84262 Grommet, Fuel Line
1 - 48171 Grommet, Choke/Throttle/Elec
1 - 87975 Plug, Air Box Cover
1 - 58364 Grommet, Idle Screw
1 - 50274 Plug, Mixture Screw
1 - 132538 Grommet, Fuel Rod - Black
1 - 120798 Gasket, Horn - Black
1 - 46741 Spark Plug Boot
1 - 49642 Kick Start Rubber - Black
1 - 83111 Grommet, Cowl Hook
1 - 113060 Grommet, Fuel Line Air Box
1 - 70286 Grommet, Clutch/Gear, R. Brake
1 - 23088-B Cowl Rubber, Thin - Black